Below is a list of websites with additional resources to learn more about information security and fraud prevention.
Below is a list of websites with additional resources to learn more about information security and fraud prevention.
Online Privacy and Security (FTC)
This website is hosted by the Federal Trade Commission (FTC) with the aim of providing insights into online privacy, safeguarding your devices against bad actors, and avoiding online scams.
National Cybersecurity Alliance (NCSA)
NCSA's mission is to educate and therefore empower a digital society to use the internet safely and securely at home, work, and school. This website provides information and educational programs for protecting the technology individuals use, the networks they connect to, and their digital assets.
Cybersecurity Best Practices (CISA)
This website is published by the Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency (CISA) and offers advice about how to avoid, identify, and respond to common security issues.
Identity Theft (FTC)
This website is hosted by the Federal Trade Commission (FTC) and is a resource to learn more about identity theft. On this site, consumers can learn how to avoid identity theft and learn what to do if their identity is stolen.
Cybersecurity Resources (BBB)
The Better Business Bureau (BBB) created this website specifically to educate small businesses on the most common data security issues they face. Data security guidelines and suggestions are presented to help improve the security posture of small businesses.
Data Security (FTC)
The Federal Trade Commission (FTC) website contains a data security section with material to help people learn how to secure their information. The website section contains a list of educational documents discussing information security, information about data security related laws, reports, workshops, and more. It also has an interactive tutorial over protecting personal information.
Small Business Information Security (NIST)
This guide was published by the National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST). The guide identifies recommended practices to improve information security in small businesses.
Current Fraud Threats (NACHA)
This website has been created by the National Automated Clearing House Association (NACHA) to help companies identify and address current fraud threats. The documents and resources available through this site have been developed to assist companies of all sizes in the development, implementation, and review of their security procedures.
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