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FDIC-Insured - Backed by the full faith and credit of the U.S. Government

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FDIC-Insured - Backed by the full faith and credit of the U.S. Government

1. Change Your Password

Creating new digital passwords is just as important as changing the locks in your home or switching out that old filter in your furnace.   A weak password allows easy access to your private information.   Instead, select a complex password.   One other note – never apply the same password to all your accounts – switch it up a bit for improved security.

2. Enable two-factor authentication  

Most applications and systems are ready for two-factor authentication, which prevents against computer hacks and further secures your account.

3. Update your devices

Vendors release updates and patches to fix issues and vulnerabilities found in your computer systems.  It is always a good idea to make sure that your devices are up to date.

4. Back up your devices

Lost data is difficult to recover unless you have a good back-up.  It is always a good idea to back up your data to an external drive or to the cloud.

5. Secure your Wi-Fi connection

Set-up guest access on your home Wi-Fi.   This will limit the number of people who can access your primary Wi-Fi connection, which should be reserved for only household members.   Guest Wi-Fi access is built with handy controls, which prevent guests from accessing your other digital devices.

6. Teach your children about cyber safety

Children should be taught about password safety, social media security, clicking on suspicious links or attachments and using discretion when revealing personal information.

7. Beware of suspicious links

Be mindful about clicking on links from unknown sources as well as responding to emails and text messages from strangers.

8. Security software check

Make sure your computer and home network security software updates automatically and is not outdated.

For additional information and best practices, please explore our Security Center.